Message from the incoming president

Jin Mo Chung, PH.D. (AKN president)I am honored to serve as the president of AKN for the term 2008-2010. I am passionate toward AKN and have been a strong supporter for this organization. I am one of the founding members of the AKN and have served secretary for the first 14 years since its inception in 1982 and served one term of the President in 1996-1998. AKN has grown a lot since my direct involvement, in terms of both the number of attendance and the quality of science. This requires much more sophisticated way to run AKN and its annual meeting. It also takes a lot bigger funds to run this organization. This necessitates an effective fund raising activity, which I will concentrate on. I pledge that I will faithfully serve for the growth of AKN following my predecessors strong accomplishment.
I hope to see everyone at our next annual meeting in San Diego on November of 2010.

I wish best everyone on their scientific endeavor.

Jin Mo Chung, Ph.D.

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