AKN meeting 2011


Dear AKN members,


Here is AKN meeting announcement for this year: http://akneuro.org/doc/Mtg_Announcement_2011.pdf. Please read it carefully since there are important changes on the format of our meeting this year. If you are a trainee, please apply for an AKN award. Please pre-register for the second meeting by sending me an RSVP. If you are a junior faculty in US, I highly encourage you to join the second meeting since it will be focused on your survival skills.


Please share this e-mail with other members who are not on this e-mail list. Further information and updates can be found in AKN website: https://akneuro.org.


Best wishes,


Jin Mo Chung

Jin Mo Chung, Ph.D.


Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology

University of Texas Medical Branch


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